The Client Intake Form is the first step your client will take to contact you. The information that s/he fills in is the basic information you will need to administer the client account but is not intended to be a complete therapy intake form. Each counselor may want a variety of additional information depending on a range of variables peculiar to her or his specific practice.
This information can be collected from the client during the first phone consultation. CBP members (as part of their membership agreement) offer a free 30-minute initial consultation to each new client. This free consultation gives the counselor an opportunity to collect whatever additional intake information s/he may require. It also gives the client an opportunity to ask question of the counselor and to discuss her or his counseling issue. It is this very important first phone contact that gives the client and counselor an opportunity to connect and establish a working relationship. It also gives the client the information needed to decide weather or not s/he feels comfortable enough to make a regular phone appointment and begin a counseling by phone relationship with the counselor. The intake form and its instructions to the client are reproduced below exactly as the client will see it... (Form will be captured when the interface has been produced!) |